Monday, September 10, 2007


I talked to Dad just now and got an update. Apparently Kent was really agitated all day and was tugging at his smock. They couldn't figure out what he wanted but when they got back from dinner Kent had managed to communicate his needs . . . pants. I told Dad that this is more than we can get him to wear at home sometimes! He's settled down a little now that he has some drawers on.

He is having some issues with his short term memory and has been asking some of the same questions a couple of times. One is "Where's my truck?" Dad is going to make him a poster with information about where he is, where my parents are, what day it is etc. He doesn't remember being at the Sand Dunes but he does remember working down in Price.

They bought him a little hand word processor and he spelled his name on it. His handwriting is a little rough but they are making it work. When he was holding up his fingers he had a cute little hand gesture for Bethany.

He gets really tired after about 10-15 minutes of interaction. They are going to start bringing in the physical therapists to work with his muscles and an occupational therapist to help him start working on day to day tasks. They are also going to bring in a speech therapist although we aren't quite sure what they are going to do.

The hardest part now is that he gets really frustrated with his inability to do stuff. We're not quite sure when he'll be home but we are fairly certain that he will be transferred to another hospital. He's hanging in there are we are excited to see what he has in store for us tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you and your progress. We pray for you everyday and can't wait to see you. Every night we log on to see how you are doing and we get very excited to hear about your progress.

Love, Jess and Debra Sadler

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for keeping us posted,it's great to hear of his progress!
Glen & Jan Taylor

Anonymous said...

i get on this website more than i do myspace.
crazy huh?
keep it up bro.
you can do this.
love you.


Anonymous said...


It is amazing to hear of all the progress you are making!! You are still continually in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work, and keep fighting you will make it through.

Paul and LeAnn please let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys or the family. You are in our thoughts and prayers as well.

With Love.... The Lawson Family :)

Anonymous said...

I hope this comment doesn't post twice:)...if it does...just think of it as twice as much love:)


You are amazing and so is the rest of your family. We are so happy to hear that things are progressing so well! We just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our constant thoughts and prayers!!

Also there are alot of "prayers, chants, meditations, or rock kicking"(as your dad instructed) going on here in Arizona. Good luck with everything!!

Tracey, thank you SO much for keeping us all updated on the blog. You are awesome!!

We love you!!
Ryan, Amy, Jake, Hunter and Zac